UniVBE_/Pro 5.0 User's Guide SciTech Software USA, 97 E. St. James #44 San Jose, CA 95112 United States of America SciTech Software Australia, Unit 5, 106 Southbank Boulevard South Melbourne Victoria Australia 3205 COPYRIGHT UniVBE_/Pro is copyright 1993-1994 SciTech Software. All Rights Reserved. The product names UniVBE/Lite, UniVBE/Pro, UniCENTER and UniPOWER are copyrighted by SciTech Software. UniVBE/Pro is not copy protected, but it is copyrighted. As a licensee of UniVBE/Pro, you may only use this product on only one computer at a time. You may install the product on multiple computers as long as there is no possibility of the product being used at the same time on different computers. You may make backup copies for your personal archival use only. The documentation included with this software is copyrighted to SciTech Software, and may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced or translated without prior written permission from SciTech Software. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PRODUCT PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT WILL SCITECH SOFTWARE, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY HAVE REDISTRIBUTED THE PRODUCT AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PRODUCT TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Produced in Australia, and printed in the United States of America. UniVBE/Pro was written with Borland C++ and Borland Turbo Assembler, and this manual was produced using Microsoft Word for Windows. All brand and product names mentioned in this documentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Contents Introduction .............................................2 What is it? .........................................2 Why use it? .........................................3 Installation .............................................5 Hardware requirements ...............................5 Automated Installation ..............................5 Command line options ................................6 -s .............................................6 -c .............................................6 -m .............................................7 -d .............................................7 -g .............................................7 -u .............................................7 -b .............................................8 -l .............................................8 -i .............................................8 -p .............................................8 -x .............................................8 386 Memory Managers .................................8 Whats the .INI file for? ............................9 Upgrading your video card ...........................10 Video modes supported by UniVBE .....................10 Testing UniVBE ...........................................12 UniPOWER .................................................13 Problems with the Standby State .....................13 What do the DPMS states mean anyway? ................13 UniCENTER ................................................15 Video cards tested with UniVBE ...........................16 - 1 - Introduction What is it? The Universal VESA VBE (or UniVBE_ for short) is a small Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program that extends the Video BIOS of SuperVGA video cards to make them compatible with the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) recommended Video BIOS Extensions (VBE). Many new programs like Microsoft Flight Simulator 5 rely on a fully functioning VBE in order to obtain the highest performance possible. UniVBE provides the latest VBE 1.2 standard so you can be sure these programs will not only work correctly, but will run as fast as possible on your system. UniVBE comes in two flavours, the Shareware or unregistered trial version (UniVBE/Shareware) and the full professional version (UniVBE/Pro). The professional version also includes a high performance 32 bit protected mode interface based on the soon to be released VBE 2.0 standard, and programs written to take advantage of this can run with blinding speed compared to normal VESA VBE implementations. The shareware version is not a cut down version, but a full featured trial version of UniVBE/Pro. You have 21 days after installing UniVBE to try out all of its features, before you are required to register your copy with SciTech Software (if you received a Bundle version of UniVBE/Lite or UniVBE/Pro with some application software, you do not need to register UniVBE). Apart from making your programs run faster and better, UniVBE/Pro can also save you money and help the environment at the same time! UniVBE/Pro fully supports the new VESA VBE/PM and DPMS standards for Energy Star compliance, and comes with the UniPOWER_ power management screen savers. If you have one of the new Energy Star compliant video monitor that supports the Display Power Management Standard (DPMS), you can install the UniPOWER DOS and Windows screensaver programs to power down the monitor when not in use. This allows your monitor to shut down and use less than 5 watts of power while you are having a coffee break or otherwise engaged! And lastly, to help you configure your video card for optimum results with your monitor, UniVBE/Pro comes with the UniCENTER_ utility program, that allows you to adjust the centering and sizing for all video modes supported by UniVBE/Pro. Fantastic for getting those video modes to look just right! Note that if you received a bundle version of UniVBE/Lite or UniVBE/Pro with some application software, the UniCENTER and UniPOWER utility programs will not have been included. You will need to purchase the full registered version of UniVBE/Pro from SciTech Software in order to obtain these utilities. - 2 - Why use it? You may already have a vendor supplied VESA VBE TSR program for your video card, or you video card may have VESA VBE compliance built into the BIOS, so why would you want to use this program? The simple answer is that most of the vendor supplied TSR's that exist today, and a lot of the not-so-new SuperVGA cards that are around implement an older version of the VESA VBE interface (if any at all), or they are just plain buggy. For this reason, many of the latest games and graphics related programs that use the advanced features of the new VBE 1.2 standard will probably not work with the TSR or BIOS that you currently have. UniVBE fully implements the VBE 1.2 standard, which supports the following advanced features: SuperVGA double buffering. High performance animation programs can use your card to full potential to implement double buffering in all video modes. Smooth, flicker free animation in 800x600 and 1024x768 video modes with 256 colors is no longer a fantasy. Or even the new 32k and 64k color modes, if you have enough memory on your card. SuperVGA virtual screens. Programs may set up a huge virtual display resolutions, and smoothly scroll a window with less physical resolution around within this buffer. Support for the 32k, 64k and 16.7 million color video modes. As well as supporting the industry standard 16 and 256 color video modes for resolutions from 320x200 right up to 1600x1200. Speed. The bank switching code in UniVBE tends to run as fast or faster than the routines embedded in the VIDEO BIOS of most video cards. Extremely small size. When the TSR is resident in your computer it only requires about 5k of memory which is smaller than the size of most vendor supplied TSR's that support only a single video card! The professional version, UniVBE/Pro also includes the following features: High speed 32 bit protected mode interface. Many of the latest programs are being developed in 32 bit protected mode, which changes many of the rules related to obtain high performance from your video card. UniVBE/Pro's 32 bit protected mode interface will give programs written to take advantage of it that extra zing of performance. Supports emulation of all 640x350 and 640x400 resolution video modes on video adapters that do not directly support this. Works for all 256, 32k and 64k color video modes, which is perfect for high speed animation. - 3 - Supports mapping out video modes not available on your particular video card. Supports the UniCENTER_ program for adjusting the supported video modes for optimium performance on your video monitor. Can be loaded into high memory. UniVBE/Pro also comes with an option to force it to load high if the normal DOS loadhigh command fails. Can be unloaded from memory once installed for use in batch files. Supports the new VBE/PM 1.0 standard for correctly signalling power management states to DPMS compliant video monitors. Supports the following states: Standby Suspend Off - 4 - Installation Hardware requirements UniVBE will run on any 80x86 based IBM PC compatible running MSDOS, or an OS/2 2.x DOS shell. In order to take advantage of the 32 bit protected mode interface of UniVBE/Pro, you must have at least an 80386 based computer. Currently UniVBE supports the following SuperVGA cards, and more are being added as they are released: ATI Technologies 18800, 28800, Mach32 Ahead A & B Chips & Technologies 82c451/452/453/450, 655x0 Everex EvNR Genoa Systems GVGA OAK Technologies OTI-037C/057/067/077/087 Paradise PVGA1A, WD90C00/10/11/20/21/26A/30/31/33 NCR 77C20/21/22E/32BLT Trident 88/8900/9000/8900CL/8900D/9200CXr/9400CXi/GUI9420 Video7 VEGA, HT208/209/216 Tseng Labs ET3000, ET4000, ET4000/W32 S3 86c911/924/801/805/928 Advance Logic AL2101/2201/2228/2301 SuperVGA MXIC 86000/86010 SuperVGA Primus 2000 SuperVGA RealTek RTG3103/3105/3106 SuperVGA Cirrus Logic CL-GD6205/15/25/35/45, 5402/20/22/24/26/28/29/30/34 UMC 85c408 Hualon HMC86304 Weitek 5086/5186/5286 (on P9000 based boards) Compaq IVGS/AVGA, QVision QV1024/1280 Automated Installation Installing UniVBE on your system is a snap. Simply following these 6 simple steps: 1. Insert the UniVBE distribution diskette into drive A or drive B. 2. Type 'A:INSTALL' or 'B:INSTALL' (depending on which drive you inserted the diskette into), and then press the Enter key. The installation program will start, and you will be presented with a screen describing the installation configuration. 3. Verify the installation directories for installing UniVBE into, and change them if necessary. If you are installing the UniPOWER screensaver for Windows, change the Windows directory to the place where you have installed Windows. By default this is C:\WINDOWS. - 5 - 4. Select the options you wish to install (by default all options will be turned on). 5. Click the 'INSTALL' button, and the installation program will begin the installation process. 6. Follow the instructions on the screen, and eventually you will be prompted to enter your name to register UniVBE. Enter your full name and hit the Enter key and follow the instructions until your are returned to the DOS prompt (simply click Cancel to install UniVBE as the unregistered trial version). Thats it! When the installation is completed, you will be returned into the directory that you installed UniVBE into (by default C:\UNIVBE). If you selected the option to update your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you will need to reboot your machine before UniVBE will be active. Command line options UniVBE supports a number of different command line options. Running UNIVBE.EXE with the -h command line option will provide you with a list similar to the following: -s - Force detection of SuperVGA (-s0 for list) -c - Force detection of SuperVGA chipset (-c0 for list) -m - Force memory size to 'size' -d - Force DAC type (-d0 for list) -g - Regenerate default .ini file -u - Unload the Universal VESA VBE from memory -b - Swap RED and BLUE bytes in 24 bit modes -l - Force resident code to be loaded high -i - Ignore a buggy underlying VBE BIOS -p - Disable Power Management (PM) extensions -x - Disable 32 bit protected mode interface Following is a detailed reference to all of the command line options: -s The -s command line option is used to force UniVBE to only run the detection logic for a particular type of SuperVGA chipset. It is possible that the detection logic for some of the video cards supported by UniVBE will hang the machine in some configurations. If this happens, you can try forcing UniVBE to only run the detection logic for your video card for maximum compatability. If UniVBE is behaving strangely on your system, this is the first option that you should try. Specifying a command line of -s0 will provide you with a list of all supported SuperVGA types. -c The -c command line option is used to force UniVBE to use a particular chipset revision. Within each SuperVGA type, there is usually a number of different chipset revision levels that - 6 - UniVBE must identify in order to work correctly. UniVBE can normally automatically detect the chipset revision correctly, however you can use this option to force a chipset revision if UniVBE incorrectly detects this. Note that this command line option is handled for you in the automated installation program. Specifying a command line of -c0 will provide you with a list of all supported chipset revisions for your video card. -m The -m command line option is used to force UniVBE to recognise a specific amount of video memory. Generally UniVBE can automatically detect the correct amount of video memory installed on your video card, however in some cases UniVBE may detect this value incorrectly, and you will have to force the correct amount (consult your video card documentation for your proper memory configuration). Note that this command line option is handled for you in the automated installation program. The amount of memory is specified on the command line in units of 1Kb, so the value for a 1Mb video card would be -m1024. -d The -d command line option is used to force UniVBE to recognise the presence of a different type of RAMDAC. The RAMDAC is used by the video card to convert the image in video memory to the correct colors to be sent to the video monitor, and different RAMDAC's support different maximum color resolutions (some support only 256 colors, while others support 32k, 64k or even 16.7 million colors). Generally UniVBE will be able to automatically detect the correct RAMDAC installed on your video card, however in some cases this may be incorrectly identified. Note that this command line option is handled for you in the automated installation program. Note that UniVBE is unable to detect the presence of some 16 bit RAMDAC's, and these may be misidentified as 15 bit RAMDAC's. Specifying a command line of -d0 will provide you with a list of all supported RAMDAC's. -g The -g command line option is used to generate the default .INI file for UniVBE/Pro. This is normally handled automatically for you by the installation program, however you can use the command line option to do this manually if you wish. In order to do this, you must first install UniVBE/Pro, then run with the -g option to re-generate the .INI file, and the finally un-install UniVBE/Pro and re-install again (the changes will not come into effect until you re-install UniVBE/Pro). -u The -u command line option is used to unload UniVBE/Pro from memory. This allows you to create batch files to install UniVBE/Pro into memory, run a specific program and then remove - 7 - UniVBE/Pro from memory when you are finished running the program. -b The -b command line option is used to swap the RED and BLUE byte ordering in 24 bit or 16.7 million color modes. On some video cards (most noteably the Diamond cards that include the SS24 RAMDAC) the order of the RED and BLUE bytes in video memory is different to that supported by most other video cards. This command line option is used to force these order to be changed. If the colors look ridiculous in the 24 bit video modes of your favorite applications, then you probably need to use this command line option. -l The -l command line option is used to force UniVBE/Pro to be loaded high. This is similar to the normal MSDOS LoadHigh command, however because of the size of the non-resident portions of UniVBE/Pro sometimes this command will fail and load UniVBE/Pro normally into low memory. This command line option will then force UniVBE/Pro to relocate the resident portion into high memory, leaving only a few hundred bytes in low memory. Note that this option is fully compatible with your normal LoadHigh command, and can be used in combination with any of these commands. -i The -i command line option is used to force UniVBE/Pro to ignore an underlying VBE BIOS if one is present. By default UniVBE/Pro will use pass through techniques to support functions provided by the underlying BIOS that UniVBE/Pro does not provide. In some severe cases the underlying BIOS is buggy and will cause UniVBE/Pro to behave incorrectly, so you will need to force UniVBE/Pro to ignore it. -p The -p command line option is used to disable the VBE/PM and DPMS power management features of UniVBE/Pro. You would only want to use this option if you have a vendor supplied TSR or BIOS that you wish to use instead of UniVBE/Pro's built in support. -x The -x command line option is used to disable the 32 bit protected mode interface provided by UniVBE/Pro. Normally you will want to leave this option active, however this option is useful for testing purposes to ensure that software works correctly both with and without the protected mode interface installed (and to see how slow it runs without it!). 386 Memory Managers Sometimes a 386 memory manager can conflict with the correct operation of UniVBE for certain video card configurations. If you - 8 - have a 386 Memory Manager installed such as EMM386, QEMM, QRAM or 386MAX and when attempting the install UniVBE the machine just hangs, or an application attempting to use UniVBE hangs you possibly have a memory manager conflict. Specifically if you have an ATI Mach32 or Mach64 based video card (Graphics Ultra Pro, Graphics Ultra Turbo) you will need to exclude the video BIOS region for correct operation, so proceed to step 2. To attempt to solve this, try the following steps (you might also like to refer to the documentation on your memory manager - QEMM for instance has a long section on troubleshooting such installation problems): 1. First do a clean boot (with no memory managers or TSR programs installed apart from HIMEM.SYS and MSDOS) and attempt to install UniVBE. If UniVBE works in this configuration, then you have a conflict, and proceed to step 2. If UniVBE still does not work, then you possibly have a video card that is not fully supported by UniVBE - please contact SciTech Software and let us know so that we can attempt to rectify this in a future release. 2. Use the EXCLUDE option of your memory manager to exclude the entire video BIOS region, reboot your machine and attempt to install UniVBE once again. For EMM386 and QEMM the command to put on the command line is: X=C000-CFFF 3. If step 2 is successful, you can try to reduce the amount of memory excluded with the above option which will provide you with more high memory for TSR programs. To do this, lower the value in the second number from CFFF to a value such as C7FF and lower. C7FF will probably work with most configurations. Whats the .INI file for? For most installations, UniVBE will automatically determine the video modes that your card supports. However on some video configurations, some video modes that UniVBE thinks are possibly available aren't and so an error will occur if a program tries to set the video mode. The UNIVBE.INI file is used to remove support for those video modes. If you selected the 'Generate UniVBE.INI file' option in the installation program, the installation program will automatically determine which modes are not available and produce an appropriate UniVBE.INI file for you. If you did not select this option, or the automatic UniVBE.INI file generation procedure does not work on your system, you can edit the UniVBE.INI yourself. The format of the UniVBE.INI file is simple. All the video modes removed by the program are listed under the section '[remove]' in the .INI file. They are listed as the hexadecimal internal mode numbers used by the TSR (see the section 'Video Modes supported by UniVBE' below for more information). An example UniVBE.INI file might be: [remove] 10D 10E - 9 - The UniVBE.INI file is also used to contain the information generated by the UniCENTER program to adjust the centering and sizing of the video modes supported by UniVBE. Upgrading your video card When the time comes to replace the video card in your system with a new one, rest assured that UniVBE will probably work just as well with the new video cards as with your old one. However when you do so, you will need to delete the UNIVBE.INI file from your \UNIVBE directory, and then should re-install UniVBE in order to correctly generated a new UniVBE.INI file for the new video card, or use the -g command line option to do so manually. You will also need to re- center all of your video modes using the UniCENTER program if you did this with your old video card. Video modes supported by UniVBE UniVBE fully supports the VESA VBE 1.2 standard, which defines a number of standard video modes numbers. The new version of the VESA VBE specs will allow the vendor to extend the video numbers used to whatever values they wish, so we have taken the liberty to extend the mode numbers used by the UniVBE to include modes not originally specified in the VBE 1.2 specs, but supported by a number of popular video cards on the market. Depending on how well your applications have been written, they may or may not be able to use those modes. If you are a developer wishing to take advantage of these modes, please consult the SuperVGA Kit (available from SciTech Software) for more information and programming examples. Specifically, the video modes supported are (along with internal modes numbers used by UniVBE): 102 - 800x600 16 color 104 - 1024x768 16 color 106 - 1280x1024 16 color 123 - 1600x1200 16 color 11C - 640x350 256 color 100 - 640x400 256 color 101 - 640x480 256 color 103 - 800x600 256 color 105 - 1024x768 256 color 107 - 1280x1024 256 color 124 - 1600x1200 256 color 10D - 320x200 32k color 11D - 640x350 32k color 11E - 640x400 32k color 110 - 640x480 32k color 113 - 800x600 32k color 116 - 1024x768 32k color 119 - 1280x1024 32k color 125 - 1600x1200 32k color 10E - 320x200 64k color 11F - 640x350 64k color 120 - 640x400 64k color - 10 - 111 - 640x480 64k color 114 - 800x600 64k color 117 - 1024x768 64k color 11A - 1280x1024 64k color 126 - 1600x1200 64k color 10F - 320x200 16m color 121 - 640x350 16m color 122 - 640x400 16m color 112 - 640x480 16m color 115 - 800x600 16m color 118 - 1024x768 16m color 11B - 1280x1024 16m color 127 - 1600x1200 16m color 128 - 640x480 16m+A color (32 bits per pixel) 129 - 800x600 16m+A color (32 bits per pixel) 12A - 1024x768 16m+A color (32 bits per pixel) 12B - 1280x1024 16m+A color (32 bits per pixel) 12C - 1600x1200 16m+A color (32 bits per pixel) UniVBE also fully supports the new 32 bits per pixel 16.7 million color video modes popular on the latest video cards. These modes usually run much faster than the equivalent 24 bit modes, but take up considerably more memory (you need at least 2Mb to run 640x480x32bit). Note however that even though UniVBE may support a particular video mode, this mode will only be available if there is enough video memory installed, and if the underlying video hardware can support it. UniVBE fully supports the 640x350, 640x400 and 640x480 modes with 256/32k and 64k colors on all video cards that have enough video memory, using proprietry emulation techniques if the underlying VIDEO BIOS does not directly support it. UniVBE does not provide support for any of the extended text modes that your video card may provide, but will provide support for any extended text modes supported by an underlying VESA VBE compliant BIOS or TSR. Thus if your video card already has a VBE compliant BIOS or you install your vendor supplied VESA VBE TSR for your video card before installing UniVBE, an automatic pass-through mechanism will be used to ensure the extended text modes still work correctly. - 11 - Testing UniVBE UniVBE is also installed with the SVTEST16.EXE, SVTEST32.EXE and VBETEST.EXE programs for testing the operation of UniVBE. The SVTest16 and SVTest32 programs are 16 bit real mode and 32 bit protected mode applications built with the SuperVGA kit. These programs will allow you to fully test all the different video modes that UniVBE supports. The VBETest program is a stress test and conformance testing program to full test the VESA VBE implementation for compliance. You might want to run this program on your current VBE BIOS or TSR, and then run it with UniVBE installed to see how much better UniVBE is. If UniVBE/Pro is installed, the SVTest32 program will use the high speed 32 bit protected mode interface for maximum performance. You can try turning off this interface with the -x command line option to see how much slower the program runs without it. - 12 - UniPOWER UniPOWER is a power management screen saver that will shut down any DPMS compliant video monitor via the VESA VBE/PM interface (provided by UniVBE/Pro). UniPOWER comes in two flavours, the UniPOWER.EXE screensaver for DOS and the UniPOWER.SCR screensaver for Windows. By default the installation program for UniVBE will install both UniPOWER for DOS and UniPOWER for Windows. The UniPOWER.SCR program is a standard Windows screensaver, so you can use it just like you use all your normal Windows screensavers. By default the installation program will have installed and activated the UniPOWER for Windows screensaver. However you can change the way that UniPOWER for Window operates. First you need to open up the Windows Control Panel, and then hit the 'Setup' button for the installed screensaver (which should be 'UniPOWER DPMS'). This will bring up a dialog box allowing you to modify UniPOWER's configuration. Extensive online help is provide for UniPOWER for Windows, so please consult the online documentation for more information. Problems with the Standby State By default when you installed UniPOWER, the Standby state is disabled. Some monitors do not support this particular state, and on some video card configurations, this state is difficult to signal correctly. You may notice that when the Standby state has been activated, the video monitor goes directly in the Off state, rather than the Standby state. If this happens then your video card was not able to correctly signal this state to the video monitor, and it should disabled. If you wish to activate the Standby state, be sure to test it for correct operation with your video monitor using the provide TEST button in the UniPOWER for Windows configuration dialog box. If the state is not working correctly, you will not damage your video card or your monitor, but the monitor will incorrectly detect this state as the Off state. What do the DPMS states mean anyway? In late 1993 the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA ) completed and ratified the Display Power Management Signalling, or DPMS standard. The DPMS standard allows normal VGA or SuperVGA video cards to communicate with DPMS compliant video monitors via a special signalling system. This signalling system allows the video card to tell the monitor to go into a number of different power management or power saving states, which effectively allow the monitor to turn itself off when it is not in use. The primary benefit of this is dramatically decreased (up to 90%!) power consumption when your computer is sitting idle, but it also saves you money. - 13 - There are basically four states that a DPMS compliant monitor can be in, and they are usually enter into one after the other in a sequential fashion. Each of the different states provides a tradeoff between minimum power consumption and minimum recovery time (the time it take before you can see the picture again!). The following table outlines the currently defined power management states, and how they relate to each other. Also included are some ballpark figures for power consumption and recovery times, but you should consult the documentation that comes with your video monitor for more accurate figures: State Power Recovery Time Notes On 100% N/A Normal use Standby < 80% ~1 sec Minimal power reduction (optional) Suspend < 30 watts ~4 secs Substantial power reduction Off < 5 watts ~8-20 secs Lowest level or power - non operational Note that the Standby state is optional and may not be provided by some monitors. - 14 - UniCENTER If you have installed the UniCENTER utility program, it will have been placed into the directory where you also installed UniVBE/Pro. To use UniCENTER, first change to the directory where UniVBE is installed (the following example assumes the default installation): CD \UNIVBE Then run the UniCENTER program with the following command: UNICENTR You will then be presented with a hierarchy of menus allowing you to display and adjust the parameters for each of the video modes supported by your UniVBE/Pro installation. To adjust a video mode, simply follow the instructions on the screen and using the arrow keys to move and size the image. When you are finished hit the enter key - if you adjust the image too far and it goes out of sync, hit the ESC key and you will be dropped back to the previous menu. When you have finished, exit UniCENTER and the adjustments will be saved into the UNIVBE.INI file (note that you must re-install UniVBE/Pro for the changes to take effect). That's all there is to it! - 15 - Video cards tested with UniVBE The following is a list of video cards that have been fully tested and are known to work correctly with UniVBE (if you want to add your card to the list, please forward the details to SciTech Software and it will be added): Thoroughly tested by SciTech Software: Thoroughly tested by SciTech Software: Thoroughly tested by SciTech Software: Actix GE32+ ISA 1Mb (S3 86c801 TrueColor DAC) Actix GE32+ VLB 1Mb (S3 86c805 TrueColor DAC) Diamond Stealth VRAM ISA 1Mb (S3 86c924) Diamond Stealth 24 VLB 1Mb (S3 86c805 TrueColor DAC) STB WINDX ISA 1Mb (S3 86c911) NCR 77C32BLT VLB 2Mb (TrueColor DAC) Cirrus Logic 5422 ISA 1Mb (TrueColor DAC) Cirrus Logic 5226 VLB 1Mb (TrueColor DAC) Cirrus Logic 5428 VLB 2Mb (TrueColor DAC) Orchid Kelvin VLB 2Mb (Cirrus Logic 5434 TrueColor DAC) Tseng Labs ET3000 ISA 512k Orchid Pro Designer II ISA 1Mb (Tseng Labs ET4000) MegaEva/2 ISA 1Mb (ET4000 HiColor DAC) MegaEva/32i/VL VLB 2Mb (ET4000/32i TrueColor DAC) Video 7 VRAM II ISA 1Mb (HT209) ATI VGA Wonder ISA 512k (18800) ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB 2Mb (Mach32 68800-6 TrueColor DAC) Trident 8900C ISA 512Kb/1Mb Trident 9000 ISA 512Kb Oak OTI-037C 512k Oak OTI-067 512k RealTek RTVGA 3106 ISA 1M Paradise VGA Plus Card ISA 256k (8 bit PVGA1A) Paradise ISA 256k (16 bit PVGA1A) Paradise Windows Accelerator ISA 1Mb (WD90C31 HiColor DAC) Cardex C33 VLB 2Mb (WD90c33 TrueColor DAC) Western Digital in Toshiba T4440C Laptop 512k (WD90C30) Western Digital in Toshiba T6600 Laptop 512k (WD90C26A) Everex Viewpoint VRAM ISA 1Mb (Ev623 + Tseng ET4000AX) Reported to work from UniVBE users: Reported to work from UniVBE users: Reported to work from UniVBE users: UMC 85c408 512k with HiColor DAC HMC 86304 256k, 512k Trident 9000i 512k with HiColor DAC Trident 8900C 1Mb Trident 8900B 1Mb MXIC 86000 512k Avance Logic ALG2101 1Mb with HiColor DAC Oak OTI-077 1Mb Oak OTI-087 1Mb with HiColor DAC Oak OTI-067 256k Western Digital WD90c31 1Mb with TrueColor DAC (AT&T 20c492) Western Digital WD90c33 1Mb with TrueColor DAC (Sierra SC15025) - 16 - NCR 77C22E 4Mb Tseng Labs ET4000AX 1Mb with TrueColor DAC (SS24) Tseng Labs ET4000/W32 1Mb with TrueColor DAC (AT&T 20c490) Tseng Labs ET4000/W32i 2Mb with TrueColor DAC (Sierra SC15025) Tseng Labs ET4000/W32i 1Mb with TrueColor DAC (Sierra SC15025) Tseng Labs ET3000AX 512k Primus P2000 2Mb with TrueColor DAC (AT&T 20c492) Acumos AVGA2 512k (actually a Cirrus 5421 equivalent chipset) Cirrus Logic 5420 512k with HiColor DAC ATI Graphics Ultra Pro 2Mb with TrueColor DAC (TI34075) Weitek 5186 256k (on a P9000 board) Western Digital WD90c24 1Mb with HiColor DAC RealTek RTG3105 512k Trident 9000B 512k Cirrus Logic 5426 2Mb Chips & Technologies 82c450 in Macintosh Quadra 800 with DOS card. - 17 - Log of BUGS and problems with UniVBE(tm) ---------------------------------------- This file documents known problems with the Universal VESA VBE. SciTech Software have done their best to try to fix all known problems, but some still persist and may well be limitations in the particular video controller hardware and may not be fixable. Trident 8900 chipsets: - The Trident 8900 chipset does not seem to be able to page flip the 1024x768 16 color video mode, even though it works for all other video modes. Probably a bug in the chipset, since it does seem to work on the newer 8900C video cards. Tseng Labs ET3000AX chipsets: - The 800x600x16 color mode seems to wrap the 256k boundary, and at this stage there is no known solution. Weitek 5186/5286 chipsets: - For the moment the support seems to work, however there is a small bug that causes the card to do strange things after a mode has been set a number of times. This is currently being looked into. Compaq QVision chipsets: - The Compaq QVision cards are detected however the support is currently not working. This is currently being looked into. S3 chipsets: - The S3 86c911 has some severe bugs in the extended CRT addressing code in 1024x768 16 color modes. Page flipping works but looks disgusting (bottom 1/8th of the screen is trashed). This bug is fixed in the 924 and later chipsets. - Seems to be some bugs in the B-step 801/805 chipsets that cause the UniVBE to do strange things. Works on all the ones that we have tested. 320x200x256 standard VGA mode: - Many SuperVGA chipsets seems to disable the bank switching registers in the VGA standard 320x200x256 video mode, and hence extended page flipping techniques do not work. This may be solveable for some chipsets, or it may well be a hardware related problem (backwards compatability with the standard VGA). The chipsets that are known to currently suffer from this are: Cirrus Logic 54xx ATI Video7 NCR Oak Log of changes for the Universal VESA VBE ----------------------------------------- Version 5.0 (18 August 1994) - Added high performance 32 bit protected mode interface to UniVBE so that 32 bit PM apps can copy the bank switching code directly into their own address space. - Added support for emulating 640x350 and 640x400 resolution modes on all video adapaters that do not directly support these modes. Works in all 256, 32k and 64k color video modes! Great modes for games!! - Added support for the VBE/PM Power Management interface for controlling VESA DPMS (Display Power Management System) monitors. - Added support for 1600x1200 video modes. - Added support for 32 bits per pixel TrueColor modes. - Added the ability to force UniVBE to load the resident portion into and MSDOS Upper Memory Block. Shareware version will also now refuse to load high with the MSDOS LOADHIGH command. - Split into UniVBE/Lite and UniVBE/Pro versions. - Added UniCENTER utility. - Added UniPOWER.SCR Windows Screen Saver. - Added UniPOWER.EXE DOS Screen Saver. - Added automatic install program. - New online registration scheme. - Reduced internal memory consumption to lower the amount of memory required to go resident. - Bug fixes and extra chipset and mode support for various adapters. - Fixed the -c0 command line option to detect the installed SuperVGA if not specified on the command line. - Added option to ignore underlying VBE BIOS if causing problems. Version 4.3 (20 March 1994) - Added support for 8 bit wide DAC's when certain RAMDAC's are installed. Updated RAMDAC detection code. - Added support for extended CRT offset register programming for supported SuperVGA cards. This allows gigantic virtual displays to be set up on cards with lots of memory, and also allows virtual screens to be enabled for the HiColor and TrueColor modes which usually overflow the standard VGA CRT offset register. Support was added for the following cards (unsupported cards will have to live with the standard VGA offset register values for the time being): ET4000 NCR S3 Cirrus Logic Compaq QVision - Added new online registration process so registered users can convert shareware versions to registered versions once they have the correct id code. - Fixes for following chipsets: - ET4000/W32i - Cirrus Logic 5426/28 - NCR 77C22E, 77C32BLT - S3 801/805/928 - Paradise - Avance Logic - Oak OTI-067, OTI-077, OTI-087 - ATI 28800-5 - Chips & Tech 45x, 655x0 - MXIC 860x0 - RealTek RTG310x - Trident 8900/9000 - New support added for the following chipsets: - ATI 68800 (Mach32) - Compaq QVision 1024 and 1280 - Weitek 5086/5186/5286 (support chips for P9000 boards) - UMC 85c408 - Hualon HM86304 - Trident 8900CL/GUI9420 Version 4.2 (22 Oct 1993) - First shareware release. - Fixed a number of bugs relating to register not being correctly preserved, which could solve some of the problems with certain programs. - Improved method to force SuperVGA id from the command line. - Added option to swap the RED and BLUE bytes in 24 bit modes for compatability with some video cards. - Improved the RAM DAC detection code, so it works correctly for more DAC's (like the ATT 20c49x series). - Fixed bug in Trident detection code and finally!! fixed the page flipping for Trident cards in the SuperVGA 256 color video modes for cards with > 512k of video memory. - Fixed wierd bug relating to running Windows 3.1 on top of the Universal VESA VBE. I hope this is now fixed. Version 4.1 (24 Sep 1993) - Added support for > 1Mb of RAM for Cirrus 5426/28 chipsets. Also fixed page flipping problem in 640x480x16 color mode. - Fixed buffer size problems for S3's - Removed all cli/sti instructions in bank switching routines. These seem to have been a cause of a number of problems and are not required anyway. - Fixed problems with DAC detection not resetting the DAC correctly for Diamond SS24 DAC's. Also added code to reset the DAC if not done correctly by the BIOS. - Fixed support for Page flipping on AL2101 and read/write bank support. - Fixed page flipping on some cards like the ET3000 in the 256 color modes (I hope). Version 4.0 (18 Sep 1993) - Added support for the ET4000/W32 and OAK OTI-087 SuperVGA's. - Fixes for the following video cards: - Paradise - Cirrus Logic - S3 - Added special protected mode support interface. You can now copy relocatable versions of the bank switching and page flipping code into your own programs to run at high speed. This will work in both 16 and 32 bit protected mode (note that the interface is _not_ the same as the interface to the actual VBE routines, but much simpler and lower level for simplicity and speed). - Major changes and restructuring of the code in the Universal VESA VBE. This makes it take less memory when installed, a lot simpler to modify and add support for new video cards. The Universal VESA VBE is now completely autonomous from the MGL package. - The Universal VESA VBE now only requires 3k of memory when resident, through re-engineering the internals. It nows takes the same amount of memory not matter how many video cards are supported. All but the code required for the installed SuperVGA is removed from memory when the TSR goes resident. - The Universal VESA VBE no longer has any 386 dependant code in it, so will work even on old 8086 machines. - Added 64k color mode support for the RealTek Versions 3.3 and below Previous versions of this software were named the Universal VESA TSR, but the name was changed at the request of VESA to the Universal VESA VBE, which describes more accurately what the program does.